Вся история, как мы ее знаем - ложь!!!

GACKTstagram 2016.04.23 akabe-shadow

Hi bros n sisters. I just finished the show in Okayama now. So tried but it was a wonderful show and audience. Anyway, this is a pair stretch for connection of arms and chest. You don't need to use a big power. You only need to use a small muscle on the connection. You can get it easily. Just do it.
@GACKT #GACKTstagram #pairstretch #dailyworkout #lastvisualive

GACKTstagram 2016.04.24 akabe-shadow

Morning bros n sisters. My body is really stiff like an old robot. It's usual in a tour anyway. Well, this is a pair stretch for shoulders. It works on extending the movable range. It means you can get more flexible. Of course ladies can do this as well.. Flexibility is s basic for women. Just do it.

Hi bros n sisters. I came to Dolce & Gabbana. I found a cool jacket. This makes me feel better. I like this.
@GACKT #GACKTstagram #lastvisualive #dolcegabbana

@темы: GACKT, фото, Япония, video, J-Rock, GACKTstagram, ГАКТ

25.04.2016 в 05:18

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Модник ты наш!
26.04.2016 в 20:18

Вся история, как мы ее знаем - ложь!!!
_TrisS_, ага)
Мне вообще нравится Гакто в красном.